Monday, October 23, 2017

Colorama~Regular City Council Meeting~Update from Marlar Engineering Company.

Get ready for COLORAMA  Fall Festival This coming Friday and Saturday.  All events Food-Craft Venders-Beer Garden and Live Music will be held at Danseur City Park on Maryland in Bull Shoals.
Don't for get the outhouse races.

There will be a regular City Council meeting Thursday October 26 at 6:30 at City Hall.
A Friday morning budget committee meeting will be held Friday morning at city hall at 10:00 AM

An UPDATE from Marler Engineering

Subject: Bull Shoals Plans and specification documents

Mayor Nixon:

We have been and are working to complete the complete set of plans and specifications to submit to USDA and the Health Department and other reviewing agencies.  We are near completion.

We should be complete sometime next week and will keep you updated.


Mike Marlar
Marlar Engineering Company, Inc.