Friday, August 11, 2017

Mayor Nixon on the Radio~Solar Eclipse August 21 2017

Mayor Nixon will be giving two radio interviews this month.  This morning August 11 at 9:10 AM and on Tuesday August 22 at 7:05 AM on the Down On The Corner morning show on 97.1 FM Mt. Talk Radio.  This interview will more than likely be a bit more extensive.

On Monday August 21 Bull Shoals will see 94% of the sun hidden by the moon.  See THIS WEBSITE for more details.  The website is and by clicking on the link will take you directly to the information for Bull Shoals and Lake View.  DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN DURING THIS EVENT.  It will damage your eyes.

Here are the times for the eclipse at Bull Shoals:

2 hours, 57 minutes, 19 seconds
Partial begins:
Aug 21 at 11:46:14 am
Aug 21 at 1:15:48 pm
Partial ends:
Aug 21 at 2:43:33 pm

CLICK HERE  for a bigger view of the US