Attendance to City Parks in Bull Shoals is on the rise, particularly at the Bull Shoals Dam Site and RV Park and Campground, which had been shutdown by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2012 due to budget constraints. According to volunteer Chairwoman of the City of Bull Shoals Parks Committee Lynn Nickels, revenue this year over the same time last year has been surpassed. The Dam Site Park reopened July first 2015 and is normally open from April first until October 30th. This year the park opened a month earlier.Nickels says other city recreational areas, such as Browns Beach, Point Return and Roy Danuser City Park are also seeing a higher number of visitors.
Between its closure in 2012 and the 2015 reopening the Dam Site park stayed vacant and, what Nickels essentially calls, an eyesore. Concerned citizens petitioned the city to do something about it. Under the leadership of then Mayor David Hotchkiss, city workers and volunteers worked to clean up the area and get it reopened.
In 2015 the only notice given of the park's reopening was word of mouth. In 2016 there was enough money in the City's budget to put up a sign saying the goal had been accomplished. With the help of social media and local businesses putting the opening on their website the numbers of visitors grew.
Nickels says although the revenue uptick is good news, there is still a need for improvements including new park equipment.